Grazie ad un paio di rss mi sono imbattuto qualche tempo fa in GISCorps, una associazione no-profit che fornisce assistenza in problematiche nelle quali il supporto dei GIS è fondamentale, a soggetti cui manca la conoscenza tecnica per affrontarle.
La loro mission è volta essenzialmente a coordinare e fornire servizi GIS in tutto il mondo nel breve termine, basati sul contributo di volontari, a comunità appunto alle quali manca il know-how specifico. Le missioni possono svolgersi in situazioni sia emergenziali che no. Gli ambiti di intervento sono:
- Supporto umanitario
- Migliorare l’analisi ambientale
- Incoraggiare lo sviluppo economico
- Supportare le comunità nella pianificazione e lo sviluppo
- Supportare attività nel campo dell’educazione e la salute
- Rafforzare la capacità delle comunità locali nell’adozione e uso dell’IT
Dal punto di vista delle soluzioni tecnologiche per il perseguimento degli obiettivi e dei progetti che li vedono coinvolti (mappa), i GISCorps dichiarano di essere assolutamente neutrali, e di ispirarsi a principi etici assolutamente condivisibili.
Come contribuire?
Ovviamente proponendosi come volontari inviando il proprio curriculum. GISCorps valuterà la nostra esperienza ed eventualmente, in base al tipo di disponibilità dichiarata, ci potrà coinvolgere in uno o più progetti. Il lavoro potrà essere sia in remoto – lavorando dunque “a casa” ad esempio per la mera digitalizzazione di dati – che on-site, per assistere direttamente i soggetti su specifiche problematiche.
Per avere un’idea di cosa può attendervi in una delle missioni dei GISCorps, date un’occhiata al “Manuale del provetto GISvolontario” nella apposita sezione… Si fa sul serio!
Operando in tutto il mondo, in situazioni tra le più svariate, credo GISCorps possa essere una bellissima opportunità per confrontarsi col resto del mondo sotto tutti i punti di vista, tecnico, culturale, umano… cosa che a noi piace davvero TANTO.
Ah… e naturalmente, se vi capiterà di partecipare a qualche missione in capo al mondo, mandateci almeno una cartolina!
I contenuti potrebbero non essere più adeguati ai tempi!
By Pietro Blu Giandonato on nov 20, 2009
Riporto qui sotto due call per la ricerca di altrettanti volontari GIS da coinvolgere in un progetto in Nigeria per la costruzione di una Metadata Clearinghouse nazionale, e un altro a New Orleans per un esperto ArcGIS Server.
Ovviamente si lavorerebbe in remoto.
Entrambe le deadline sono strette: il 29 novembre.
GISCorps is recruiting for two projects!
1) Metadata Clearinghouse Node Specialist – Nigeria
This project is commissioned by Geographical Resources for Development Centre (GRDC), a non profit organization in Lagos, Nigeria.
The NGO is seeking the assistance of one volunteer to establish a metadata clearing house node for Nigeria. It is the hope of GRDC that the application’s ease of use will encourage others to contribute their metadata.
Duties of the volunteer include:
- Assist in design and establishment of a web-based clearing house that will allow NGO and others to publish metadata on spatial data for Nigeria.
- Assist with operating the clearinghouse until staff is prepared to assume responsibilities for operation.
- Provide operational instructions/procedures for the clearinghouse.
- Train staff on maintenance of the system and provide consultation on future growth.
Estimated duration of Service: 1-4 months (depending on the volunteer’s availability)
Type of mission: this mission does NOT require traveling and is conducted remotely. The volunteer will be using their own software and hardware to develop the application. The volunteer will be working closely with the GRDC representative throughout the project via emails, phone, VoIP, and FTP site (if necessary).
If you are interested and available, please send an email to by Sunday November 29, 2009. Along with the email, please send us your updated resume since the resume on our web site may not include your latest information.
2) ArcGIS Server Programmer – New Orleans, LA
This project is commissioned by Neighborhood Housing Services of New Orleans (NHS – via the University of New Orleans – Department of Planning & Urban Studies (UNO-PLUS – NHS is a non-profit organization in New Orleans, LA.
Neighborhood Housing Services of New Orleans has been serving New Orleans neighborhoods for over 30 years. They help stabilize and invigorate neighborhoods by targeting vacant and blighted housing for redevelopment, providing homeownership opportunities to low- and moderate-income families through homebuyer education, foreclosure prevention counseling, financial literacy training, low-cost lending and home repair services. Their community organizers build human and social capital in target neighborhoods through resident-led programs.
Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) addresses the challenge of vacant and blighted property in New Orleans by surveying and mapping the property conditions in four target neighborhoods. In the process, they have developed efficient systems that they hope to share with other neighborhood organizations across New Orleans. They now wish to create a dynamic web site to share their data and build surveying capacity in other neighborhoods. They expect the site will be more than a map; a participatory process to document New Orleans’ recovery and improve public services.
NHS has secured access to ArcGIS Server 9.3 (housed at the University of New Orleans) and is now looking for an ArcGIS Server (AGS) Programmer to create a customized application. The application’s capabilities include:
- basic navigation tools
- scale dependent labeling either simple or in a call-out (street names, property address, results of the survey, etc.)
- querying by address and property condition categories (for example: ‘Vacant’ and ‘Poor condition’ or ‘Fair Condition’) and identifying the results on a record by record basis with its associating attributes
- exporting of selected records and creating reports from selected records
- caching & publishing static datasets such as aerial photography
- creating thematic layers by various attributes (structure’s condition: vacant, blighted, etc.)
- buffering
- printing to PDF
- automatic upload of excel spreadsheets
- the site might require secure logins; therefore, expertise in setting up security for AGS applications/services is highly desirable.
- data layers that are currently in the geodatabase include: Council District Boundaries, Neighborhood Boundaries, Planning District Boundaries, Street Centerlines, Water, Parks, Parcels, Central City 2008 NHS Survey Data joined to Parcels
Duration: +/- 9 months or earlier depending on the volunteer’s availability. The work could start immediately.
Type of mission: this mission does NOT require traveling and is conducted remotely. The volunteer will be using their own hardware connecting to the university’s server to develop the application via VPN connection. The volunteer will be working closely with the UNO-PLUS and NHS representatives throughout the project via emails, phone, VoIP, and FTP site (if necessary).
If you are interested and available, please send an email to by Sunday November 29, 2009. Along with the email, please send us your updated resume since the resume on our web site may not include your latest information.
We are very excited about these projects and are looking forward to hearing back from you.
Warm Regards,
Mark Salling, GISCorps Core Committee Member
Shoreh Elhami, GISCorps Co-founder
On behalf of GISCorps Core Committee