Da pochi giorni è uscita la release 2.6 RC 1 di OpenLayers. Queste le novità più succose:
- Integration of the CloudAmber “Google Like” popups for advanced visual display of information in popups
- Resulting improvements throughout all popup code, including autosizing popups to the content they contain.
- Improved panning of commercial layers like Google Maps and Yahoo! Maps
- Animated panning of the map, using OpenLayers.Tween support Layer Image transitions, for keeping images visible when zooming to allow smoother transitions
- Client side reprojection support using built in transformations for spherical mercator, or the proj4js library for other projections.
- Support for reprojecting vector data layers
- Support for reprojecting user-facing controls like mouseposition
- Support for programatically reprojecting points and geometries
- Improved OpenLayers Styling, including:
- OpenLayers.Style, OpenLayers.StyleMap, OpenLayers.Rule support for improved feature-attribute based styling SLD read/write support
- Support for reading and writing multiple versions of WMC.
- Improved KML support, including KML styling support.
- Improved GeoRSS Format support, including GeoRSS GML read support.
- New ScaleLine Control for displaying visual scale
- New NavigationHistory control for map history navigation
- Localization/Better Internationalization support
- Layer support for MapGuide Open Source
- A number of new / improved handlers to make handling user
- interactions easier
- Handler.Hover
- Handler.Click
Infine segnalo un link. Si tratta di una serie di esempi di pagine di web-mapping costruite con OpenLayers, in una sessione di code hacking di gruppo di un giorno. Tra questi una bizzarra matrice dei possibili popup.
Tag: openlayers popup
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