4 aprile, 2008 | di

Da pochi giorni è uscita la release 2.6 RC 1 di OpenLayers. Queste le novità più succose:

  • Integration of the CloudAmber “Google Like” popups for advanced visual display of information in popups
    • Resulting improvements throughout all popup code, including autosizing popups to the content they contain.
  • Improved panning of commercial layers like Google Maps and Yahoo! Maps
  • Animated panning of the map, using OpenLayers.Tween support Layer Image transitions, for keeping images visible when zooming to allow smoother transitions
  • Client side reprojection support using built in transformations for spherical mercator, or the proj4js library for other projections.
    • Support for reprojecting vector data layers
    • Support for reprojecting user-facing controls like mouseposition
    • Support for programatically reprojecting points and geometries
  • Improved OpenLayers Styling, including:
    • OpenLayers.Style, OpenLayers.StyleMap, OpenLayers.Rule support for improved feature-attribute based styling SLD read/write support
    • Support for reading and writing multiple versions of WMC.
  • Improved KML support, including KML styling support.
  • Improved GeoRSS Format support, including GeoRSS GML read support.
  • New ScaleLine Control for displaying visual scale
  • New NavigationHistory control for map history navigation
  • Localization/Better Internationalization support
  • Layer support for MapGuide Open Source
  • A number of new / improved handlers to make handling user
    • interactions easier
    • Handler.Hover
    • Handler.Click

Infine segnalo un link. Si tratta di una serie di esempi di pagine di web-mapping costruite con OpenLayers, in una sessione di code hacking di gruppo di un giorno. Tra questi una bizzarra matrice dei possibili popup.

TANTO non rappresenta una testata giornalistica ai sensi della legge n. 62 del 7.03.2001, in quanto non viene aggiornato con una precisa e determinata periodicita'. Pertanto, in alcun modo puo' considerarsi un prodotto editoriale.